Owen Sound's


Population is Shrinking and it's Wager Earners are Leaving for Georgian Bluffs   



The impact of years of successive tax increases on Owen Sound is made visually obvious in the above graphs. The top graph demonstrates the relative change in growth of Owen Sound, Georgian Bluffs and Meaford. The trend lines (dashed lines) that extend to the next two census periods show where things are headed in the future. You can visually see that the plots for both Georgian Bluffs and Meaford are heading upwards while Owen Sound is heading slightly downward.  This means that sometime in the future both Meaford and Georgian Bluffs will have larger populations than Owen Sound unless this trend is turned around.

The graph on the left shows that Owen Sound wage earners are leaving while similarly sized municipalities are increasing their populations of wage earners. The graph on the right shows Owen Sound's population growth relative to Meaford and Georgian Bluffs. 

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* This page was partially reproduced with permission from the article 'Owen Sound is Slowly Dying' at: www.owensoundtaxes.ca